Monday 14 November 2011


1 Chicken Breast 
1 Onion 
1 Carrot 
2 Garlic Pods 
1 Tablespoon Flour 
1 Cup Milk 
1 Teaspoon Dried Mustard Powder  
1 Teaspoon Mustard Seeds 
1 Teaspoon Chilli Flakes 
2 Tablespoons Butter 
Olive oil 
Salt and Pepper to Taste
Parsley/Coriander Leaves for Garnish 

The Roux 

In a pan heat a table spoon of butter. When the butter is melted, add a tablespoon of flour and stir till a paste is formed. 

White Sauce

While on low flame, add milk in a slow drizzle to the roux, stirring continuously. The paste slowly starts to break down ultimately taking on the consistency of a sauce. Keep adding the milk and stir till the desired consistency is reached. Set aside.

Mustard Sauce

Finely slice an onion, and a clove of garlic. While a pan is heating up, add some olive oil, at least two swirls of the oil container. Add the garlic to the oil and fry for a few minutes till brown. Make sure you don’t burn the garlic. Then add the sliced onions and sauté for a bit. Subsequently add a pinch of mustard powder, mustard seeds and a splash of lemon juice. Once all the ingredients in the pan are incorporated together, add the white sauce, a table spoon at a time to the pan, stirring along the way. Slowly the sauce begins to take shape as it takes on all the spices in the pan. Add freshly crushed pepper and salt. Leave aside

Stuffed Chicken Breast

One healthy chicken breast should suffice. Make a small incision on one side of the breast to start with and slowly with the tip of the knife cut through the breast opening it out as you deepen the incision. Once the chicken breast is opened out, it has been ‘butterflied’. You may need to flatten the breast out with a pounder if required to ensure a uniformly flat piece of chicken. Make sure you don’t cut right through the chicken breast so as to end up with two pieces of chicken. Once that is done rub both sides with chilli flakes and mustard powder. Use not more than a pinch of mustard powder, but the chilli can be added depending on how spicy you want it to be. 

Next you julienne half a carrot (cut in long strips). Take some strips and place them in the center of the marinated chicken and gently roll the chicken concealing the strips of carrot and you go along. 

In a pan heat some olive oil and a knob of butter. When the butter is melted, carefully place the roll of chicken breast in the pan, the open end facing downwards so as to seal it first. Let it sit in the pan for a bit. The base of the chicken will start changing colour, appearing white gradually. Then flip it over and do the same on the other side. Once the colour of the chicken has completely changed add some water to the pan and leave it to braise till the water had evaporated. Put a lid on the pan while this is happening. 

Caramelized Carrot Garnish 

Heat some olive oil in a pan. Finely chop a clove of garlic and fry in the pan. Then add some carrot strips (previously prepared) to the pan and cook till they get soft. Add a pinch of chilli flakes and a splash of lemon juice and cook till carrots are tender. Finish it off with sprinklings of parsley. 

Plate up

Take a generous helping of the white mustard sauce and spread in the center of the plate in a circular fashion. Cut the chicken breast at an angle, getting at least four pieces from it. Make sure the stuffed carrots can be seen. Carefully place the pieces of chicken on the white sauce exposing the stuffed carrots. Garnish with the caramelized carrots, and finish the dish with a drizzle of the chilli oil in which the carrots were caramelized. 

  •  Another alternative is to stuff the chicken breast with strips of red and green bell peppers. This adds another color dimension to the dish. Asparagus could also be used as a stuffing, but preferably after steaming or boiling them till they are tender enough. 

  • Mushrooms can also be added to the white sauce.

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